KP Astrology Birth Time Rectification Online Service In Hindi

Buy Online Birth Time Rectification Service

Accurate Natal Chart Rectification

Birth Time Rectification Using D60 Chart

KP Astrology Birth Time Rectification Online Service In Hindi

Buy Online Birth Time Rectification Service

Birth Time Rectification

Birth Time Rectification Service

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An exact 'Time Of Birth' is as critical in Vedic Astrology as is the Date Of Birth; there are many people who are not sure of their exact Time Of Birth. Rectification of Birth Time is essential and at times very crucial because if you are unaware of the Birth Time of the person, then you may not be able to perform the accurately calculate a person’s Birth Chart. Rectification is totally tentative, it can be really problematic as different Astrologers use different methods and come up with different results. Our Astrologers, with their deep knowledge and proven techniques, can provide you with the estimated Birth Time and for that various details about an individual are required like:
1. Date Of Birth, Place Of Birth and if possible the range of Birth Time with roughly one hour of accuracy. For ex. between 9 am to 10 am etc.
2. Chronology of important event - Create a list of key events with exact date and time.

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